What's a fake life coach?
You've seen them. They are more interested in selling their products and training than actually coaching.
They often will say something like "I'm too booked to coach anyone new."
These are the people who are not actually doing much in the way of coaching, but more selling and promoting products.
Don't get me wrong; it's hard to find clients to coach unless you're very seasoned, have a well-known reputation or a large pool of referrals.
It's a great way to make money if you can package some training and sell it (I do it, too). However, my training products all include REAL coaching. I do coach. I like coaching and it's my primary focus.
If you squint (not too hard) you can find the faux coaches out there easily. They have far more going on in the way of selling packges than they do in the way of booking sessions.
Again, I get it. It's tough to make a living coaching unless you have some of the prior mentioned or a magic wand. But, if you're looking for a real coach, one in the trenches, keep this in mind.
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