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Get Coaching Clients: How to Get Leads

Getting leads is easy. You can buy them, swap them, even sweat a little and give away a good offer to subscribe them.

But getting good leads is harder.

Good leads are those who are interested--truly interested--in what you've got.

For example, if you sell hot dogs and someone comes and asks for ice cream, no matter how great your hot dogs are, if they are really looking for chocolate, no sale.

In other words, unless someone wants what you've got, it's a pretty losing proposition.

Yet, I find so many going after who they think is a great prospect and losing out on the actual prospect. If you have to talk someone into something, they don't really want it.

However, if you just have to gently lead them to the decision, they probably do. Leading them is just a matter of asking the right questions and picking up on cues from their answers, hesitations and voice modulations.

If you ask someone how business is going and they hesitate or skirt the issue, you can be pretty sure it's not going too well. This is a tell -- just as in poker, people will "tell" you what is going on. The trick is to be perceptive enough to understand.

I worked with a client once who expressed interest in me helping him market his new business. He had some hoity-toity credentials (including Ivy League college) and felt all-too-happy to name drop plenty.

After a few sessions, I realized he really wasn't after marketing help, but an ego boost. This led to a discussion about a life change since his job wasn't fulfilling and he eventually made a move that he felt was far more in his life-path.

I got his "tell" -- he needed help, but just didn't realize what type of help he was looking for. Sometimes that happens and it's your job to pick up on it and gently lead your client down the right path.

Back to getting leads -- When you start coaching don't (I repeat DON'T) worry about telling your family, friends, neighbors, etc. hoping they'll jump into your client pile. They generally either won't get it or won't be interested.

Instead, work on your own focus on coaching. Once you identify what that is, you'll be far better able to go to the leads sources where you'll find ready and responsive clients.

Many coaching trainers will tell you to not be all things to all people. I completely agree. If you are a weight loss coach, narrow it down. Do you work best with men or women? Do you work best with over 40 or younger body builders? Do you work best with those who are obese or fairly fit? Hone, hone, hone. Narrow your niche to a fine point. You can always expand a bit later, but for now, you need to truly identify your ideal client and then tailor your marketing for them.

Getting leads for you particular perfect client base will take some work. There is no magic bullet, but if you're looking for leads for life coaching, career coaching and those looking to make a life change, click here.


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